Saturday, May 4, 2013

Desert Punk - ch. 38

As for Claymore, I'm waiting on a better raw mainly so it may take a while. The raw that's available right now is of such low quality that someone with my skills shouldn't even try using it.

Gernot has published his translation (of chapter 138). Be sure to thank him. I (or SuppaiNoRingo) will do a scanlation once Share raw appears. And indeed, Claymore has been rather lame lately so I don't have as much of a motivation as I used to.


  1. Thank You :) And don't worry about Claymore.

  2. Thanks for the new chapter. Claymore is in the dry season so meh take your time.

  3. I completely agree about Claymore, take your time.

  4. Thanks for everything you guys do..I still like it, the story's always been hecka slow. I think it's just at a transitional point now-hopefully to better and more exciting. Thx again!

  5. Ever since I found this website, I've stopped visiting MangaStream altogether. It's well worth the infrequent wait. Keep up the great job, and kudos to MiB and Gernot.
