Tishare | Boxnet | Batoto | Gamefront | Imagebam
Translator: Gernot
Cleaner/Typesetter: Goral
Raw from Share
Edit: I've repeated the same sentence in the next to last bubble on page 31. Sorry. I'll correct it (as in re-upload whole chapter) once I re-check everything and do some minor editing (like adding biri/gishi and some other onomatopoeia that aren't too hard to add). For now here's the corrected page: http://imgbox.com/acysjenw
Edit 2: I've swapped the links with the ones leading to the corrected one which has other improvements like erasing traces of another page that was shining through the page 22 (did something similar in few other places but not all) and added some more onomatopoeias.
Also, here's a version I'll use for archiving purposes (it's with literal translation footnotes):