Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Claymore awards

At Manga Helpers 3 days ago started a competition in which users nominate and later vote for Claymore candidates for awards in categories such as:

- Best Claymore Character
- Most Overrated Character
- Best Human or Black Coat Character
- Best Awakened Character
- Most Underrated Character
- Most Emotional Scene
- Favorite Quote

and many other.

All in all there are 20 categories and up till March the 5th you can nominate your candidates and later you will be able to vote on your favourites. I encourage any Claymore fan to do it.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Chapters 93-123 (batch download)

Mangastream has dropped Claymore and they've deleted (or at least hidden) access to their chapters (including the newest) so here's a batch of all our releases for your convenience (since currently only Mangatraders allows for easy downloading, at least from the sites I know). Previous batch was quite popular but since MU has been taken down I've decided to update this post as well as make a new one. As the last time, I strongly encourage you to use Manga Meeya or PicWalker or some other program (like CDisplayEx - which personally I don't recommend but it's still way better than Windows Picture Viewer or even Irfan View when it comes to scanlations) to browse manga more easily and without unpacking it.

Chapters 93-123 (batch download):
BayFiles | Rapidshare

Here's also chapter 100 in colour: Mediafire

Chapter 124: http://mibscanlations.blogspot.com/2012/03/chapter-124.html

And here you can find links to chapters 83, 85 and 86 with gernot's translation, made by gernot (quality isn't too good but the script is as always the best and IMO that's the most important thing).

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Chapter 123

Chapter 123: MediaFire | Bayfiles | Ifile.it | Batoto (Online reader) | MangaRush (online)

Thank gernot for this release.

imagebam.com imagebam.com imagebam.com

If you're a purist use Bayfile link (MF is also fixed). Or just save this page (p. 16). The difference is miniscule.

Edit: Backup link - BF 2

Edit 2:
Chapters 93-123 (batch download):
IFile.it | BayFiles | Rapidshare

Those who love Fallout should check Wasteland 2 project out: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/inxile/wasteland-2?ref=live